Catering Services
We provide full Catering Service to both onshore and offshore clients, wherever the service is needed we would be there. We have vast experience in the Oil & Gas sector

Supply and Maintenance of Industrial Catering Equipments
We also supply all categories of catering equipment to our clients on a charge back arrangement. We invoice for the cost of the equipment plus a certain percentage on the cost to cover the cost of transportation, installation and the cost of capital

House Keeping and Laundry Services
Daily cleaning of rooms, toilets, restrooms, recreation areas, galleys, stores, dining areas etc. The scope of our laundry services includes the washing and ironing of personnel clothing, bed linens, tables, curtains, coveralls etc.
General Camp cleaning such as sweeping of footpaths, pavements, garbage collection and disposal, Repair and servicing of light equipment in the camp or vessel or badge
– Maintenance of camp recreational facilities e.g. football pitch, lawn tennis courts, basketball pitch, snooker’s room, Swimming pool etc.
– General Gardening operations: This includes the clearing of bushes, trimming of flowers, maintenance of lawns etc.
– Repair and servicing of light equipments, Catering Equipments, laundry equipments, e.t.c